"Lord, graciously guide the work of our hands" Psalm 90:17
"Lord, graciously guide the work of our hands"   Psalm 90:17

OTB BizWorks

Your Business Support Team

OTB BizWorks is the cost-effective and convenient solution for all of your business and office needs!

Whether you are a small business owner or a corporation, an entrepreneur or a CEO, your time, energy and resources are valuable and limited. As you face new challenges daily, you must find new ways to improve your productivity and minimize your expenses.  It's time to think "Outside the Box"!


Outside the Box Services LLC (OTB) is an independent contractor who provides a variety of business support services designed to help you and your business eliminate administrative hassles, reduce stress, increase productivity and protect cash flow.


Outsourcing those time consuming tasks that don't generate revenue is a low cost, high impact solution that enables you to focus on profitability, efficiency and building your business.  Do what you do best and we will take care of the rest, services we offer include:

  • General Administrative Support;   (scheduling, filing, scanning)
  • Customer Care
  • Word Processing
  • Data Entry
  • Banking
  • Court & Document Delivery
  • Post Office, FedEx, UPS
  • Office Organization
  • Trade Show Assistance
  • Follow Up Calls
  • Meal Delivery
  • Personal Assistant
  • Virtual Assistant
  • and more...

The Services You Want When You Need Them


OTB's services offer you the flexibility to schedule help when you need it and enjoy all the benefits of a personal assistant, without the commitment of a full-time, part-time or temporary staff person. 


You can rest assured that each member of the OTB Bizworks Business Support Services team has been carefully selected; they each possess excellent skills, knowledge and experience. They are people of character and integrity who are dedicated to providing services with the highest ethical and professional standards.  


Whether you need us to provide administrative support a couple of hours or days per week, during your busy season or for a special project; we are  ready to provide administrative support on an as needed basis as a virtual assistant in our office or at your office\place of business. In either case, we are here for you and are truly committed to helping you achieve your goals and promoting the success of your business.


Here are just a few reasons why OTB BizWorks Business Support Services are the most cost-effective solution for you and your business:

  • No need to invest in a fulltime employee
  • No additional office space
  • No equipment\supplies
  • No overhead cost
  • No overtime\No downtime
  • No training costs
  • No hiring expenses (advertising, recruiting...)
  • No hassle of temporary agencies
  • No paid time off expenses
  • No employee benefit expenses
  • No employee tax related costs
  • OTB is responsible for all of its own taxes




You only pay for the time spent specifically working for you, therefore, you will pay for fewer hours over the course of a year, a season or per project with potential savings of 30%-40% in labor costs. 

OTB Comparison Chart
OTB Comparison Chart - 2015.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [498.4 KB]

Business Concierge Services


Do you need personal assistant business concierge services...?   Are you or will you be visiting our area on business? Are you a business owner, general manager, or hr manager who will be hosting reps or associates from out of town?  If yes, odds are you would benefit greatly from OTB business concierge services, we can take care of everything from shopping to tee times.



Employee Recognition & Rewards


Show your employees that you appreciate their dedication and hard work in a meaningful way.  Do you offer perks and gifts to customers?  Do you do the same for employees and co-workers?  By providing employee rewards, you help your company by making your employees feel valued.  In doing so, you boost employee engagement and productivity and reap the rewards of higher retention and lower recruiting costs. 


According to Gallup.com, just 30% of the workforce feel, engaged in their jobs.  Gallop estimates that this cost $500 billion in the USA alone.  The secret to an engaged workforce:  feeling valued


According to the Psychology Healthy Workplace Program Employees who report feeling valued by their employer are 60% more likely to report they are motivated to do their very best for their employer”. 


Recent studies also indicate that 93% of employees take care of personal responsibilites while they are at work, 1.5 - 3 hrs per day (The Wasted Workday). The work life balance is the number one challenge employees report.  Why not include employee rewards in your retention strategy, give your employees a personal assistant for a few hours or for the day.  Allow them to focus on "work" while we take care of their "to do list".  It is a win win for your employees and your bottom line! 

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